Virtual Reality: Gewinner der Unity-Awards

Auf der Virtual- und Augmented-Reality-Fachkonferenz "Vision VR/AR Summit" gab es auch einen Wettbewerb für die beste Virtual- und Augmented-Reality-Experience in verschiedenen Disziplinen.
In der Jury saßen unter anderem Vertreter von Oculus, Google, Microsoft, Sony und natürlich Unity, Veranstalter der Konferenz. Besonders erfolgreich: "I expect you to die" von Schell Games konnte gleich zwei Awards gewinnen, den für das beste VR-Spiel und die beste Innovation/Vision. Besitzer des Oculus-Rift-Entwicklerkits DK2 können sich hier eine kostenlose Demo des Spiels bei Oculus Share herunterladen.
Hier sind alle Gewinner der Awards.
___STEADY_PAYWALL___Bestes Live-Action-Video:
U2 Song for Someone – Chris Milk, U2, Universal Music Group, Vrse Inc., Vrse.Works (Winner)
Get Barreled in Tahiti – Rapid VR
Sinking – Maren Demant
Honorable Mentions: Waves of Grace, Imago
Beste interaktive VR-Geschichte:
Apollo 11 VR – Immersive VR Education (Winner)
Honorable Mentions:
The Shoebox Diorama – Daniel Ernst
The Fabulous Journeys of Tess & Leonie
Honorable Mentions: Waves of Grace, Happyland360
Bestes VR-Spiel:
I Expect You to Die – Schell Games
Honorable Mentions:
Budget Cuts – Neat Corporation (Winner)
Classroom Aquatic – Sunken Places
Honorable Mentions: Jake and Tess’ Finding Monsters Adventure, Adventure Time: Magic Man’s Head Games, Vanguard V
Bestes Design:
Technolust – IRIS VR Inc (Winner) ohne Werbebanner
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Honorable Mentions:
SENS – Red Corner
Lucid Trips – Whateverland – Lucid Trips Team
Honorable Mentions: Jake and Tess’ Finding Monsters Adventure, Arizona Sunshine, Residential Condominium Architectural Simulation
Beste Technologie:
Modbox – Alientrap
Honorable Mentions:
Residential Condominium Architectural Simulation – Arch Virtual
EasyAR Engine – EasyAR
Honorable Mentions: Kraft Interactive Placemat, Fantastic Contraption
Beste Augmented-Reality-Experience:
Table Zombies – SRG United Solutions
Honorable Mentions:
Eleanor of Ayer – Gelly Bomb Games (Winner)
Faster Than Light – Anomaly Productions
Honorable Mentions: Kraft Interactive Placemat, Clandestine: Anomaly
Beste Virtual-Reality-Experience:
Fantastic Contraption – Radial Games
Honorable Mentions:
Job Simulator – Owlchemy Labs
Thunderbird: The Legend Begins – Kai and Tony Davidson (Winner)
Honorable Mentions: Classroom Aquatic, Apollo 11 VR, Modbox
Vision Inspire Award:
I Expect You to Die – Schell Games (Winner)
Honorable Mentions:
Fantastic Contraption – Radial Games
Faster Than Light – Anomaly Productions
Honorable Mentions: Job Simulator, Lucid Trips – Whateverland, BRAVEMIND
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